E-mail and Messaging Disclaimer
Confidentiality: Any electronic mail or communication sent from AWA Realty, LLC, AWA Capital Group, LLC (hereinafter referred to as “AWA”), their employees, or affiliated real estate agents is confidential and may be privileged. The information is intended for the personal and confidential use of the recipient. If you receive this message in error, please notify the sender and delete it.
Non-Disclosure Agreement: Any communication from AWA may contain proprietary information. By receiving it, you agree to keep this information confidential and not disclose it without written consent. This obligation remains in effect regardless of any agreements or transactions.
Not an Offer: This message is not an offer, solicitation, or confirmation of a transaction. Market prices and data are subject to change. The views expressed do not necessarily represent those of AWA.
Copyright: This message may not be reproduced, redistributed, or disseminated without AWA’s written consent.
Security Disclaimer: AWA does not guarantee the security, accuracy, or completeness of electronically transmitted communications. Recipients should ensure they are free of malicious content and understand associated risks.
Author’s Views: Views or opinions presented in communications from real estate agents affiliated with AWA are those of the author and not necessarily AWA’s. Defamatory statements and copyright infringements in emails are contrary to policy and the scope of employment.
Liability: AWA is not liable for such communications, and the individual responsible will be personally liable for any damages.